Bulldog Cartage offers a number of specialized professional job services:
We have a wide range of tagging and sequencing capabilities to service your needs. This includes specialized labeling and tagging of equipment to make field identification fast and easy. From tagging unit tops with pick numbers for helicopter or crane pics, to tagging heat pumps with specific floor numbers, we are able to handle all types of tagging and identification requests. We also understand the importance of proper sequencing, and we will make sure to properly sequence material or equipment for a well-organized and efficient offloading experience. Let us provide you with the added piece of mind and assurance that comes with working with an experienced, professional solutions company!
With 2 overhead crane bays in our facility, we are able to leverage that asset and provide pre-lift testing for your lifting gear and rigging components. This allows you to fine-tune balance points and rigging lengths in a safe, controlled environment, prior to your lifting day in the field and in front of your customer. We accommodate up to 33′ under hook and a 20,000 lb. single-point lifting capacity. We accommodate up to 33’ under hook and a 20,000lb single-point lifting capacity. Contact us today to see how we can help you be prepared and ready to perform for your next challenge.
At Bulldog Cartage, we know that service above all else is one of our greatest strengths. If you have a special request for a service or offering that you don’t see here, please contact us and we will be happy to try and do whatever we can to make your job easier. Where there is a will, there is a way, and we will go to great lengths to provide you with solutions to every challenge.
A Porter Family Company
401 S. Rohlwing Road
Addison, Illinois 60101
(630) 426-4000
Call or contact us today and find out how Bulldog Cartage can make your next project easier. We provide solutions. Period.